Affirm Your Soul

An excerpt from The Jewel of Abundance by Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian. (Affirm Your Soul in Chapter 16: Mine Your Inner Resources). For more insight and instruction on the use of affirmation, and so much more, order Yogacharya’s book here.

The use of affirmation has been a powerful asset in my spiritual toolkit for many years. It has supported my comprehension of and faith in the yoga teachings as I witness the demonstration of spiritual principles in my life.

In the hope that you find them useful, I share the following affirmations inspired by study of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. I encourage you to create your own as you study the yoga teachings and the book of your life.

Inspired by Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
Chapter 1 Sutra 6

Sutra 1.6 The five kinds of transformation that modify mind and awareness are 1) the processes that occur when valid knowledge is acquired; 2) illusion; 3) delusions; 4) sleep; 5) memory.   ~ Roy Eugene Davis – The Science of Self-realization ~

  • I examine what I perceive through the senses and contemplate the validity and ultimate reality of what I observe. 
  • Upon discovery of misinterpretation, I contemplate deeply to discover the cause and correct my understanding. 
  • I do not indulge fancy or fantasy. I use my creative imagination constructively for contemplation of higher realities.
  • I avoid moods that promote passivity of mind and engage in sleep appropriately for the restoration of body and mind.
  • I remain consciously aware. I allow memories and latent impressions to inform my life in positive ways. Ever vigilant, I limit their ability to modify my perceptions in unhelpful ways that distort reality. 
Rev. Priya

For further study of the modifications of mind, see Roy Eugene Davis’ Translation and Commentary in The Science of Self-Realization.