Meditate & Thrive

Everywhere I Go, There I Am

Gross restricting influences can be resisted and eliminated by self-analysis, practice of samadhi, and awakened knowledge.
~ Yoga Sutras 2.9

A few months ago, my wife Francisca and I traveled across America by car, from California to our new home on the East Coast. Though there was much to inspire us as winter turned to spring across our beautiful country, we were often left weary and irritable by the experiences of driving many hours, checking in and out of hotels with our dog and cat, and the additional cleaning required for protecting ourselves from infection during the COVID pandemic. Conditions were ripe for unskillful responses to such circumstances.

Under this stress, we could have skipped meditation sessions in favor of sleep, snapped at each other instead of listening with compassion, or failed to see the many blessings throughout the journey. We could have allowed habitual patterns to express unchecked. Instead, the boon of our long-time spiritual practice was ever influential.

As we took the time to marvel at the rising and setting of the sun across the varied landscapes, the feeling of gratitude came easily for us. Our prescription for happiness was simple. We made rest a priority and began each day refreshed. At each hotel we set up our tiny travel altar, complete with images of our spiritual mentors and battery powered candles. We meditated every day. The peace of meditation remained with us, permeated our experiences, and helped us to stay connected to our innate joy.

There is a remembrance mantra I love, “wherever you go, there you are” coined by the meditation teacher and author Jon Kabat- Zinn. For me, it is a reminder that I cannot and should not try to escape my mental conditioning. I can be present to it and to all that is before me in any given moment. I can seek to understand, transform, and transcend mind states that hinder my spiritual progress.

The spiritual teachings of Kriya Yoga affirm that along with conditioned patterns to be weakened and transcended, all of my positive mental impressions are carried within me as well. I can allow those positive impressions to be a supportive influence.

I recall my teacher’s words as I prepared for the cross-country journey. She said, among other things, “…see God all along the way.” I appreciate the power of words and affirmations and as we traveled across the country I began to morph the wherever you go, there you are mantra into this gratitude prayer: Wherever I go, there You are, God… Standing in this present moment, acknowledging the good all around, trusting in Your grace, I am strengthened, I am empowered, I know I am more than the sum of my thoughts or emotions. I am an infinitely resourceful reflection of the One Life expressing in unity and multiplicity. I am a soul-powered human having a divine experience. Everywhere I go, there – I Am. This prayer supported me through all of the challenging moments and carried me home.

Rev. Priya

“What is the mysterious force that compels us to act against our own will? It is only the force of habit patterns—the influence of mental impressions based on past experience. Clear those impressions from the mental field by superconscious meditation; then right action arises spontaneously.”
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian~

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